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Looking forward to the strong development momentum of the hand model industry

by:Vowin Rapid Prototyping     2023-02-09
1. Prototype model market: joint reorganization of capital operation. The market environment with both booming production and demand and good development prospects make many entrepreneurs and investors actively invest in my country's mold industry. Among them, foreign capital and private capital are still the mainstream, and investment enthusiasm is common. In 2006, larger technological transformation projects and new construction projects emerged continuously. Since cluster production has the characteristics of convenient collaboration, cost reduction, market expansion, communication and favorable policies, this production method was further developed in 2010. At present, there are more than a dozen hand model cities, hand model parks, and accumulation production bases with considerable scale in the country, and more than ten are under construction, preparation or planning. In addition to cluster production, some places are still developing hand-model joints and virtual manufacturing. 2. Prototype model industry: set off a boom in e-commerce In recent years, due to the downturn in foreign markets, a large number of foreign prototype models have poured into developing countries, which has provided many opportunities for some high-end prototype companies. Sweet mold companies took the lead in catching the express train of e-commerce and getting bigger and bigger. Since then, the development of e-commerce in the hand model industry has started a prairie fire. Nowadays, the medium-sized hand model enterprises that have begun to take shape all have their own websites and a set of basic e-commerce processes. The hand model industry began to catch the express train of informatization. Informatization, especially informatization management, has been put on the agenda of many prototype model companies, and has been deepened and implemented. During the implementation process, related software at home and abroad competed on the same stage, the secondary development was fruitful, and the database was increasingly enriched. Through information management, the production cycle of the prototype model is greatly shortened, the production efficiency is improved, and the enterprise benefit is increased. 3. Prototype model companies: Accelerate the development of high-end prototype models. With the development of the automobile industry in recent years with an increase of more than 20%, the number of prototype model companies and prototype products entering the automotive field has increased significantly compared with the previous year. Automobile companies have also put forward higher requirements for the quality of prototype model products, prompting prototype model companies to step up improvement and continuously improve their level. At the same time, due to the substantial increase in the export of prototype models, the level of prototype models has also been improved to a large extent. In 2010, the main manifestations of the improvement of the level of the prototype model are: the length of the large progressive die has exceeded 3 meters, the precision progressive die can be matched with the 2000 times/min high-speed punch; some hot runner molds and gas-assisted molds have reached the international level; While CAD/CAM technology has been popularized, CAE technology has become more and more widely used, CAD/CAE/CAM integrated technology has been developed, and good results have been achieved; innovations in new mold structures, new varieties, new processes, and new materials have continued. Emergence, the number of patents increased. 4. Prototyping Model Talents: Intensifying remote training work In view of the serious shortage of talents in the prototyping and model industry, especially middle and senior talents, the work of running schools and training in various places has attracted much attention in recent years. In 2010, schools, training sites, and enterprises all stepped up their efforts and received good results. The number of training sites of China Model Association continued to increase in various places. In order to further improve the quality of training, Sino-foreign exchanges and cooperation have been strengthened. For example, Suzhou Model Association has achieved substantive results in education and training cooperation with relevant parties in Singapore. China Model Association has also discussed cooperative training with Portugal, Germany and other foreign model associations. Relevant departments of the state are also stepping up research on the remote training of mold talents in response to the urgent need for mold talents. Prototype model designers have also become a new type of work recognized by the state. 5. Prototype model industry: brand management and sustainable development Due to the subordination of prototype models and dependence on special users, brands have not been valued in the prototype industry for a long time. However, with the development of the market economy, the brand effect has become more and more important, and 'managing the brand' has become a very important task for the prototype model company. It is understood that there are about 10 provincial and municipal well-known (famous) hand model trademarks and brands in the country, and individual enterprises are already applying for national famous trademarks. With the continuous deepening of quality work and the emphasis on environmental protection, a large number of mold companies passed the ISO9000 international quality system certification and ISO14000 environmental management certification in 2009. At the same time, a large number of high-tech enterprises have been added to the industry in 2010, including national, provincial and municipal levels, and many enterprises have established prototype model technology centers or R&D centers in 2010. Looking back on the past, while looking forward to the future. As the scale of Chinese hand model enterprises continues to expand and the brand image continues to improve, China's hand model will usher in a more brilliant peak of development.
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