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Feasibility Analysis and Demonstration of Injection Mold Structure Optimization Scheme

by:Vowin Rapid Prototyping     2023-02-05
Feasibility analysis and demonstration of the injection mold structure optimization scheme. When the injection molded parts of Shanghai Mulan Injection Mold Factory have multiple placement positions in the injection mold, there will be various mold structural schemes: there are wrong schemes that cannot be used at all. , there are also solutions that can be used but the mold structure is very complicated, and there are simple and easy solutions. In this case, the demonstration of the injection mold structure scheme should mainly be placed on the selection of the optimization scheme. We just want to find out this kind of optimization scheme. One is to make the choice of the mold structure scheme correct, which is conducive to the structural design of the injection mold; the other is to make the structure of the injection mold easy to manufacture. The optimization scheme of the injection mold structure is not only related to the position of the injection molded parts in the injection mold, but also related to the complexity of the injection mold selection mechanism, and more related to the batch size of the injection molded parts, the mold manufacturing cycle and the cost of the mold input.

Therefore, the optimization scheme selection of injection mold structure is a comprehensive issue. After determining the optimization scheme of the injection mold structure, it is necessary to carry out the demonstration of the injection mold mechanism and the check of the strength and stiffness of the weak components of the mold. Only in this way can the correctness and reliability of injection mold design and manufacture be ensured. For injection mold design with multiple mold structure schemes, the injection mold structure design can only be placed after the mold structure optimization scheme is determined. Because the design before the mold structure optimization scheme is determined may not be the mold structure optimization scheme, or even the wrong mold structure scheme.

1. Analysis of the six elements of the shape of the injection molded part and the analysis of the structural scheme of the injection mold

This is mainly aimed at the injection mold structure scheme of the comprehensive analysis method, and it also has a variety of mold structure schemes. For the structural scheme of injection mold with comprehensive elements, we can use the analysis method of structural scheme of injection mold with comprehensive elements to formulate the structural scheme of injection mold. For a variety of mold structure schemes, only the analysis method of the optimization scheme can be used; otherwise, either the wrong scheme is adopted or the complex scheme is adopted. For each injection molded part, due to their different uses and functions, their performance and materials are also different, which leads to their different shape characteristics and dimensional accuracy, and their molding rules and molding requirements are also different. Not the same.

The feasibility analysis and demonstration of the injection mold structure optimization scheme, Shanghai Mulan Injection Mold Factory is also different for the structural form of the mold. However, as long as the performance, material and use of injection molded parts can be grasped, and the six elements of shape characteristics, dimensional accuracy and shape analysis of injection molded parts can be captured, the regularity of injection molded parts molding can be found. The three analysis methods for the feasibility of the injection mold structure plan are the tools and keys to solve the structural design of the injection mold.

Second, the method of demonstration of injection mold optimization scheme

Six elements and three analysis methods can be used for the feasibility analysis and demonstration of various types of cavity mold structure schemes, including the feasibility analysis and demonstration of injection mold structure schemes.

(1) Demonstration of the existence of various structural schemes for injection molds: there are various placement positions of injection molded parts in the mold, and there are various schemes for the mold structure. There are wrong plans that are not feasible at all in the plan, which should be resolutely removed; there are plans with feasible mold structure but complex structure, which are plans that increase manufacturing costs and prolong the manufacturing cycle, and are also plans that should be discarded; A feasible and simple solution is an optimization solution. Through the demonstration of the mold structure scheme, it is to find out this optimization scheme as the mold design scheme.

(2) Reliability demonstration of various mechanisms of injection molds: For the reliability demonstration of various mechanisms of injection molds, one should first find out whether the structure of the mechanism is correct, and then find out whether it can complete the requirements of the six-element analysis of the shape of the injection molded part . Reliability demonstration process: analyze and compare the one-to-one correspondence of institutions, schemes and elements until a feasible institutional structure is found.

(3) Check the integrity of the analysis of the six elements of the injection molded part: if there are omissions in the analysis of the six elements of the injection molded part, the mechanism of the injection mold must be missing, and the mold cannot complete the functions and actions in the molding process of the injection molded part. The processed injection molded parts cannot meet the requirements of molding and use.

(4) Check the strength and stiffness of the weak components of the injection mold: the side wall and bottom wall of the fixed mold core and the dynamic mold core of the injection mold are the parts that directly bear the injection pressure. The backing plate of the movable mold is a simply supported beam, while the long slanted guide column or slanted pin is a cantilever beam. These are the parts that are weak in strength and stiffness in injection molded parts. Shanghai Mulan Injection Mold Factory must check the strength and rigidity of the mold when designing a mold for injection molded parts with a large projected area. Otherwise, these weak parts will be deformed, so that all the movements of the mold mechanism cannot be performed.
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